"To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best,
night and day, to make you everybody but yourself - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."

E. E. Cummings

Sunday, July 3, 2011

On This Day

Who is the author of these encouraging words? Why many insightful serious thoughts are by Author Unknown? Do we have a very short memory for what is GOOD, and forever remember EVIL?
On This Day

On this day: fight for a principle.
Express your gratitude.
Overcome an old fear.
Take two minutes to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Tell someone you love them.
Tell them again … and again.

On this day: write a letter to someone who misses you.
Encourage a youth who has lost faith.
Keep a promise.
Forget an old grudge.
Examine your demands on others and vow to reduce them.

On this day: mend a quarrel.
Search out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss a suspicion, and replace it with trust.